In January of 1977, Bob and Pat Wade opened their living room to a small group of college students for a Bible study. Led by Bob Wade, the first campus minister of the UF Christian Campus House, that small group grew, making it necessary to find a more permanent location for the newly formed campus ministry.
A small single story house was found within walking distance of the University of Florida. The UF Christian Campus House now had a home. For several years and under the leadership of capable campus ministers, David Hull ('94-'98) and Mike Hoornstra (02/99), weekly meetings were held in the house.
August 1, 1999 BOB GAILEY came to serve the UF Christian Campus House as its first "Full-time" Campus Minister, along with his wife, Celeste who is our Chief Operating Officer & Public Relations Director. Under their leadership UF CCH continues to grow. When the group outgrew the house within 3 weeks under Bob's leadership as a meeting place, Tuesday night M&M's (Meal and Message) were moved to the Animal Science Building.
October, 2004 UF CCH purchased property just north of the stadium. Our JESUS building as we called it, was used for its large group weekly meetings as well as for outreach opportunities, small groups, and other UF CCH events. It was an older building and by God's Grace and Mercy we were able to sell it in 2010 and from there was in a building program for several years.
On January 24, 2013 we were able to move into our new building that we call GOD's HOUSE. What a huge blessing!
UF CCH continues with our Weekly Activities of Fellowship, Worship and Communion, Family Groups, Homeless Ministry, Prison Ministry,
ENGLISH CORNER (International Ministry), Hot Dog Outreach, Discipleship Training, Mission Trips, Senior Citizen Ministry, etc...
Thank you Daddy Father God, King Jesus and Holy Spirit ! \o/