LOVE OFFERINGS (donations)

from various

Individuals & Churches are what help to make the

UF Christian Campus House function throughout the year. 

MATTHEW 24:14  \o/


We do "NOT" receive funding from the University. 


UF CCH is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.  The IRS granted this tax status to UF CCH on January 23, 2001.


UF CCH is blessed to have:

 - Our Board of Directors overseeing our budget

 - Our TREASURER (who is a CPA)...that does a quarterly audit

 - Professional Bookkeeper/CPA with tax consulting  & we are


 “Guidestar” with the IRS. (Form 990)

 - Our UF CCH lawyer 


Here are a few ways that you can help to make a difference at UF CCH.

  • GROCERIES:  We spend about $350.00 per week (food, drinks, paper goods) for  

       our Weekly Meal and Message BIBLE STUDY, UF CCH lunches, other meals throughout the week,                                                             Welcome Week meals, CAFE, pre-game meals,etc...  (7,000 + meals a year)

  • Resources 

  • OUTREACH and Special Activities  

  • Mission Trips

  • English Corner

  • Travel

  • Promotion

  • God's House:   Christian Campus House Maintenance, Insurance, Utilities, Trees, etc... 

We also collect from folks >>>

GIFT CARDS (Sams, Walmart, VISA, Mastercard, etc...) 


Peanut Butter, Grape JAM 

& Bottled Waters 

for our

Community Outreach that feeds the HOMELESS.


All donations to UF CCH are tax deductible.  We are 501(c)3  with the IRS.



A check can be made out and sent to:

   UF Christian Campus House
    P.O. Box 5009
    Gainesville, FL  32627-5009





Now you can donate online securely using PayPal.


Please note:  Each online gift given via PayPal,

UF CCH incurs a nominal fee   (approx 3% per transaction).


If able, please consider giving an additional amount to cover this small fee.

Please note, your entire gift is considered a charitable contribution, the fee is not subtracted.

Enter one time donation amount:

Enter monthly donation amount: