For more photos from the Bahamas and other mission trips, visit the Photo Gallery
The Bahamas trip was my first mission trip, so I didn't really know what to expect. Seeing some of the poverty there and the damage that recent hurricanes had done to the houses there was really grounding.
We went to a couple houses in the community to help to clean and repaint the outside after the damage. It was the first time I'd had the opportunity to work to give something back to someone who had been in the face of so many trials, and there is no more joyous work. The sun was hot and there was mold all over one woman's house from where the water had risen and sat for awhile, since she was so close to the water's edge, but seeing the transformation of the house as well as the woman's smile made me realize that God was really working through us, and that we were not the one's to be thanked.
God raised the money for us to go and he called us each by name. We also got to spend a night doing a youth program at the local church, and it was awesome to feel their energy and innocence and to see them take to us so quickly. It really touched my heart to one day incorporate missions into my life, because children really are the future and to see how easily molded they are is both a scary and wonderful thing. The world needs more people to care about those children in the world and to remind them of how much God loves them.